Become a BrookLynk Intern, Invest in Your Future
BrookLynk Summer Internship Application is Now Open. Closes on March 30.
BrookLynk Summer Internship Application is Now Open. Closes on March 30.
BrookLynk coordinates a 6-10 weeks of paid summer Internships with local employers in Brooklyn Center and Brooklyn Park, and surrounding areas. BrookLynk Summer Internships are more than just a summer job, they are a stepping stone for young people as they begin their pathway to college and career. BrookLynk Internships provide young people an opportunity to build their skills, gain valuable work experience, and grow their social capital.
Has IEP or physical, mental, learning, emotional, or behavioral disability
Eligible for free or reduced lunch at school
Pregnant or parenting youth
Is or will be the first person in the immediate family to receive a high school diploma
Is or will be the first person in the immediate family to attend college
Is an immigrant or child of immigrants
Is currently taking ELL classes
Has experienced homelessness or stayed in temporary housing in the last 6 months
Has received or am currently receiving foster care services
Has been involved with the juvenile justice system
Dropped out of high school before receiving a diploma or GED, or am attending an Alternative Learning Center
Mock Interviews
Job interviews can be intimidating and nerve-racking. The more practice you get, the better your job interview skills will be. BrookLynk will have professionals from all over the metro volunteer their time to give you a mock interview. Interviewers will give you feedback of how you did and how you can become better. This is a free event for BrookLynk summer internship applicants.
During your mock interview, you can expect:
An opportunity to practice your interviewing skills.
To receive valuable feedback from your interviewer that you can use as a tool for your next interview
To network with community leaders and business professionals as they will be your interviewers
Although this is a mock interview, please treat it as if it were the real deal. This will allow you to have the greatest benefit possible and truly walk away with a great experience. To prepare for your mock interview, please:
Review your Get Ready! handbook. Go over the interviewing section and practice answering some questions with a friend or in front of the mirror.
Be on time. Arrive at least 15 minutes before your scheduled interview
Bring your resume. This will be presented to your mock interviewer and it shows that you're prepared.
Dress the part. Dress business professional as you would for a real interview. Refer to your handbook for what you should wear to an interview.
*Please remember that mock interviews are mandatory for those who are pursuing a summer internship with a BrookLynk employer.
Make the Investment of a lifetime - Join BrookLynk Today!
"At first, I wasn't sure if my internship was the right fit, but I ended up loving it so much. I was introduced to things I never thought I'd see and experience. By working in the community, my internship helped me find something I'm passionate about. "
- Stephany A, Intern, City of Brooklyn Park
“My BrookLynk internship was a booster for me, because without this opportunity I wouldn't have known how I would pursue a career in the technology field or if I even wanted to. Working in IT made me realize how many career opportunities there are for me in the field"
- Hawa D, Intern, Brooklyn Center Community Schools