BrookLynk - A response to our community needs.
Directed by the Cities of Brooklyn Center and Brooklyn Park, BrookLynk is a youth employment program dedicated to addressing our regional talent and workforce needs through a strategy that explicitly supports and invests in young people facing barriers to employment. BrookLynk was developed in partnership between the schools, cities, community partners and youth. The program launched in 2015 in response to findings that over 60% of youth in the Brooklyns were not participating in summer programming; and that middle and high school aged youth, particularly those who are economically disadvantaged, did not have the skills or connections needed for post-secondary and career success. Also responding to a business community that was struggling to attract and retain talent. BrookLynk is focuses on three components: 21st century skill building and training, experiential employment opportunities and development of professional networks and relationships.
BrookLynk began with a training cohort of 80 students and an intern cohort of 28. BrookLynk has grown and has since successfully coordinated over 400 paid summer internship opportunities with local employers and has trained over 1,000 young people with essential job skills.
In 2021, after eight years of success delivering BrookLynk an expanded workforce development framework was established to provide programs and services to youth, adults, and businesses in the Brooklyns that promotes economic empowerment and decreases individual, community, and systemic barriers. Under this new framework new programs and initiatives include career pathways for young adult and adult job seekers, Youth Entrepreneurship Program (Y.E.P), and community partnership programs. The cities of Brooklyn Park & Brooklyn Center continue to respond to workforce development needs caused by the pandemic, increase pathways to prosperity and ensure and equitable and prosperous local economy.
Thank you to all of our partners that make our work possible.

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